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The Five Psychic Stones

There are five stones in the world that create a psychic immune system to boost your psychic defenses when brought together as a set. Each of the five stones is exceptional by itself, but their combination creates a unique psychic shield. The first triangle of the Shield contains the properties of those five stones. When you first receive your crystal Shield and hold it in your hand, you want to make it clear to your body that the five stones in the upper triangle are working as a set.

The five psychic immune stones are (1) sulimen, (2) transylvania quartz, (3) lemurian light crystal, (4) morion black quartz and (5) black tourmaline.

We have found quality specimens of each of them to create the upper portion of the Shield. We have recorded their properties and frequencies and imprinted each of them into the upper triangle crystal matrix. Here are the properties of the five psychic immune system stones that have been infused into the first part of the Shield.


If you were a medium, sulimen would be wonderful to own. It stops the emotional debris of others from being deposited in your field or body. When someone wants to dump off their anger, they can’t do it with sulimen around. It’s a strong protector. It prevents ‘possession’ and keeps out other people’s junk. It is also a tantric stone—a very advanced, sexual stone—and carries the knowledge of spiritual sexuality. It has been used for centuries as a stone for sexual appropriateness.

Sulimen is a stone that comforts deeply. When using it for your psychic immune system, you don’t want to use it on other clients. Use a second stone when working on others.

Sulimen is a mineral that can alter the natural states of matter. In ancient times, it was a stone for magic. In the Shield, it becomes your Harry Potter cloak for hiding you from social consciousness.

Lemurian Light Crystal

The lemurian light crystal is an intelligent stone. With only two small sources existing in the world, it is treasured by any healer who owns one. It wants to have a conversation with you. When you put it next to any chakra, anything you want to do with that chakra is going to create a dialogue as to why you’re doing it or why don’t you try this instead of that. Wherever you put it, it’s going to have a conversation with you. Placed next to the throat, it can relieve your blocked expression. Placed by the heart, you aren’t alone anymore in the world. We used two exceptional lemurian light crystals from Indonesia in the recording and imprinting process, both of them green with gold and brown strands in their internal matrix.

One of the world’s most awesome stones, the lemurian light crystal will network your other psychic stones to get your psychic immune rocks all working in the same direction to Shield your mind.

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