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Magnisite is a stone that can be hard to find. For imprinting the Body Shield, we used a large clear magnisite stone of extraordinary quality from Brumado, Bahia, Brazil.

Magnisite is excellent for balancing the polarities of the blood. When blood goes through the fingers of the hand as you hold it, it will recharge the blood, taking stress off of the heart.

If you are able to find your own magnisite, you want to remember that it dissolves in water.

Magnesite has a magnetic charge to it that is not common to the Earth’s bi-polar magnetics. The human heart uses a type of magnetics closer to the magnetics of magnisite. It recharges the blood simply by holding it in your hand. A healer working with a person who has had injuries with inflammation can hold the stone in their hand while massaging the energy away from the site of the injury. Some of its strongest uses occur when you hold it in your hands. It is also good for circulation at the knees. It will deal with any retroviral that turns against the body or attacks the body such as AIDS or arthritis. It has a sucking motion like a pump, sucking and pulling. It can slow down a massive heart attack.

You want to be a caretaker and not an owner of magnisite. It is a highly sought-after stone and ends up in the hands of people who can use it. Witches, shamans and healers have fought over it. It works especially well on the healer who heals. It keeps the body young and rejuvenated.

Magnisite cleans the chakras, starting at the solar plexus and cleaning all the chakras down (at the same time) then it moves up to the heart and then to the lower throat.

Magnisite shifts polarities. Not many stones do that. It can flip your orbits which is the way you clean your orbits. Magnisite is also good for sexual improvement as it unclogs the base seal.

When you feel invaded by others that means your orbits are crashed. Anytime you are exhausted and can’t see a reason for it, your orbits have crashed. You can only get sick when your orbits have crashed. When a person is born with crashed orbits, magnisite is very empowering.

Magnisite will assist the person who is bi-polar. If you live with or know a ‘polarity flipper,’ this is someone who can flip other people’s polarities by walking through a room. They tend to be bi polar, often depressive and miserable one moment, then as the polarities shift direction, higher than a kite the next. They can flip their orbits by being able to flip other people’s orbits. That can make anyone they are around feel miserable. They are not conscious of doing this but they are able to shift a valve in the brain causing their own polarities to drop. It can cause other people nearby to feel low or crashed. They are able to go from low to high to low again by affecting someone else.

Magnisite works with polarities and will assist you in keeping your own orbits balanced and shielded from outside polarity influences. Magnisite shifts your polarities and balances your orbits.

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