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Transylvania Quartz

Having many single crystal points called ‘vampire fingers,’ this rare stone is known by healers for keeping the ‘vampires away.’ It is sought after by healers who want to prevent themselves from being drained by others. It feels wonderful to hold. When using the stone, it can turn black from taking on negativity; but then it clears itself and returns to its beautiful dark yellow color. It is not typically described by books and the Earth mine where it comes from has been closed. For our Shield crystal, we have been able to imprint a rare, exceptionally large Transylvania quartz stone.

Morion Black Quartz

Morion black quartz doesn’t allow ‘cling-ons’ to attach to you. It makes a frequency that is experienced as a bad smell to the ‘dead zone’ as if you were spoiling and rotting. Morion black quartz increases the malleability of your tensile strength too. With a strong and malleable tensile strength, no one can penetrate you.

Morion black quartz also goes deep into you to dig out the negativity. It will go to where the anger is coming from and bring it to the surface. It cleans out debris after a rage. Rage is typically a repression not an expression. Morion black quartz will bring up the rage as an expression. It works as an anti-depressant to release the pent up stuff.

Black Tourmaline

Black tourmaline reflects all negativity. Negativity comes from negative human thoughts as a dense and heavy energy that tends to settle and gather at the ankles and knees. To pull off that negativity, black tourmaline has few equals. Black tourmaline works on the ‘dark side’ of a person, bringing it up and letting it go. Many healers understand how valuable it is. When you place Black Tourmaline between your two ankles, you give yourself a brilliant strategy to assure the arrival of some clarity whenever negativity has come in. It keeps your mind clear. It also keeps bringing up those buried demons until they clear.

The so-called dark side is not the same for each person, but for most people, it holds the emotion of guilt that was denied. Denied guilt gets pushed into that unconscious basement where the door slams shut sealing in your denial guilt. Black Tourmaline cleans denial guilt out of that basement and roots out some of those negative egos in the process.

Black tourmaline won’t allow negativity to come in. For the person who decides they don’t need denial guilts and negative egos, here is a wonderful companion for taking back your power. It sends negativity back to where it came from. It keeps your biofield clear, negativity out and the mind calm.

To create the Shield recipe, we used a very large schrol black tourmaline of excellent quality in which millions of tiny crystals come together as one crystal growth.

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